Advice for Handling Retiring During a Financial Downturn

Most Americans finance their retirement with a certain amount of faith: Investing will help their savings keep pace with inflation, institutions will continue to work as they always have, it will all work out in the end. It’s challenging to maintain that optimism in moments like these, when it seems just about everything is at…

When a Woman’s Retirement Account Becomes the Family Emergency Fund

Women break into their savings to cover all kinds of expenses: home down payments, repairs, medical bills. That can hurt them years later. Vickie Elisa was already playing catch-up with her retirement fund when she withdrew $17,000 to fix a plumbing disaster in her Atlanta-area home. The bleeding from that Roth individual retirement account had…

What to Know About Rolling Over Retirement Accounts

A new report finds that I.R.A.s may charge seemingly modest higher fees than workplace retirement accounts. But over time, the difference can add up to tens of thousands of dollars. Americans who are moving money from a workplace retirement plan to an individual retirement account may be tripped up by seemingly modest increases in fees…

When You’re Forced to Cash Out in a Bear Market

You can’t leave money in your I.R.A. forever, as dictated by I.R.S. rules. This can put retired investors in a tough spot. Financial planners warn investors against trying to time the market. It is notoriously difficult to guess exactly when sentiment on Wall Street will reverse course — even professionals are likely to get it…

When You’re Forced to Cash Out in a Bearlike Market

You can’t leave money in your I.R.A. forever, as dictated by I.R.S. rules. This can put retired investors in a tough spot. Financial planners warn investors against trying to time the market. It is notoriously difficult to guess exactly when sentiment on Wall Street will reverse course — even professionals are likely to get it…

‘I Had to Go Back’: Over 55, and Not Retired After All

After leaving the labor force in unusual numbers early in the pandemic, Americans approaching retirement age are back on the job at previous levels. When Kim Williams and millions of other older Americans lost their jobs early in the coronavirus pandemic, economists wondered how many would ever work again — and how that loss would…

For Tens of Millions of Americans, the Good Times Are Right Now

Their houses are piggy banks, their retirement accounts are up and their bosses are eager to please. When the boom ends, everything will change. This is an era of great political division and dramatic cultural upheaval. Much more quietly, it has been a time of great financial reward for a large number of Americans. For…