The Economic, Revenue, and Distributional Effects of Permanent 100 Percent Bonus Depreciation

Key Findings 100 percent bonus depreciation allows firms an immediate tax deduction for investments in qualifying short-lived assets. The phaseout of 100 percent bonus depreciation, scheduled to take place after the end of 2022, will increase the after-tax cost of investment in the United States. Preventing the phaseout and making 100 percent bonus depreciation a…

Hobby Income vs. Business Income: What’s the Tax Difference?

If your hobby earns you income, the IRS wants to know about it. But how do you report hobby income and how does it differ from small business income? Is one better than the other when it comes to filing taxes? Why is it important to know the difference? Knowing the differences between hobby income…

IRS Is Raising More with Less, But New Funding Misses the Mark

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was one of the biggest winners in the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The new law approved roughly $80 billion in additional IRS funding over the next 10 years. This will boost the IRS budget from around $12 billion per year to roughly $20 billion, a 66 percent increase….

“Taxing Big Oil Profiteers Act” Risks Disincentivizing Production, Inventory

In response to high oil prices, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) has proposed raising taxes on oil and gas companies in three ways. His “Taxing Big Oil Profiteers Act” would create an additional 21 percent tax on so-called excess profits earned over 10 percent of revenues of oil companies with annual revenues over $1 billion; levy…

Unpacking the State and Local Tax Toolkit: Sources of State and Local Tax Collections (FY 2020)

Key Findings Property taxes are the primary source of tax collections at the local level, responsible for 72.2 percent of local tax revenue in fiscal year 2020 (the most recent year for which data are available). Once a significant driver of state budgets as well, their share of state collections has dropped to a mere…

Thirteen States May Tax Student Loan Debt Cancelation

President Biden’s announcement of student loan debt forgiveness is already raising many questions. How much will it cost? Who will benefit the most? How will it contribute to inflation? Does the president even have the legal authority to implement this loan forgiveness? Here’s one more question to add to the mix: will states consider student…

Japan’s Tax and Benefit System for Working Parents Isn’t Working

Imagine that a government provides subsidies to single parents that actually increase tax rates on additional work. This is the case for a Japanese single parent who earns a rough equivalent of US $39,981 and faces a 57 percent marginal tax rate. With just a small increase in pay of $599, she would face a…

How to Think About IRS Tax Enforcement Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act

Perhaps one of the most controversial pieces of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is the expansion of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). There is a compelling case for strengthening the enforcement of existing taxes, rather than creating new ones, as a way to raise revenue. The economic costs of enforcing existing taxes are likely lower than…

Tax Foundation Response to OECD Consultation on Amount A of Pillar One

Tax Foundation has engaged constructively in the OECD Pillar One and Pillar Two process since it was launched in 2019. The consultation on the Progress Report on Pillar One provides another opportunity for that. However, at this point it is challenging to be constructive when the policy seems designed to fail. The Progress Report reveals…