Does Your State Have a Gross Receipts Tax?

Today’s map looks at which states levy a gross receipts tax, which is often considered one of the most economically damaging taxes. Shifting from state gross receipts taxes would represent a pro-growth change to make tax codes friendlier to businesses and consumers alike, which is especially necessary in an increasingly mobile economy. Gross receipts taxes are applied…

Why You Should Be Separating Your Personal & Business Finances

It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out as a small business owner or you’ve been doing it for a while now — we all know mixing business with pleasure can be a slippery slope. Some businesses, such as LLCs and corporations, are required to keep their business and personal finances separate. When you are…

8 Changes You Can Make Now to Prepare for Next Tax Season

Let’s all breathe a collective sigh of relief — this year’s filing season is finally over. Now that tax filing is behind you, what could you have done differently? One common mistake taxpayers often make is waiting until tax time to think about their taxes. But by thinking ahead and making some financial tweaks now,…

Three Takeaways from the New Congressional Budget Office Outlook

Last week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its long overdue report on the nation’s budget and economic outlook for the years 2022 through 2032. Normally published at the beginning of the year, the delayed report reflects higher-than-anticipated inflation, tax revenues, deficits, and debt since the previous update CBO published nearly a year ago in…

Wisconsin Losing Ground to Tax-Friendly Peers

Over the past decade, the state tax landscape has grown increasingly competitive as policymakers have sought to attract investment and promote economic opportunity and growth in their states. The past two years in particular have seen an extraordinary increase in tax reform efforts, given states’ strong revenue growth despite the pandemic and policymakers’ desire to…

Cigarette Taxes in Europe

To ensure the functioning of its internal market, the European Union (EU) sets a minimum excise duty on cigarettes. It consists of a specific component and an ad valorem component, resulting in a minimum overall excise duty of €1.80 (US $2.13) per 20-cigarette pack and 60 percent of an EU country’s weighted average retail selling price…

Oklahoma Should Prioritize Pro-Growth Relief, Not Gimmicky Rebate Checks

As out-of-control inflation strains families’ budgets, lawmakers across the country are casting about for ways to respond. In Oklahoma, legislators have proposed sending taxpayers $75 checks in December ($150 for married couples) to help blunt the impact of higher prices. In one respect, it’s a drop in the bucket, with inflation costing the average household…

Two Dozen States Show Why the Kansas Critique of Income Tax Cuts Is Mistaken

A decade after Kansas’s failed tax experiment, memories linger and continue to color the debate on tax reform and tax relief across the country, no matter how dissimilar other states’ plans are from the unbalanced and imprudent plan championed by then-Gov. Sam Brownback (R). The Kansas experience is so infamous that “what about Kansas?” is…

Ranking Sales Taxes on the 2022 State Business Tax Climate Index

Today we continue our map series on the 2022 State Business Tax Climate Index with a map showing states’ rankings on the Index’s sales and excise tax component. The sales tax rate and structure can make a state more or less attractive to businesses for two key reasons: (1) some states apply the sales tax to business inputs, which drives up…